Is Elbow Pain Slowing You Down?

Please answer the following questions based on your current elbow pain symptoms. Mark the most appropriate response for each question.

Location of Pain:

Symptom Description:

Aggravating Actions:

Night Symptoms:


Range of Motion:

Associated Symptoms:

Injury or Overuse:

Duration of Symptoms:

General Health:

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Arthritis Facts

23 % Of Adults Diagnosed With Arthritis

54 Million People Diagnosed With Arthritis

#1 Leading Cause of Disability


Other Resources For Arthritis

Below are links to other resources from the American Arthritis Foundation.

Edith Harris

"I realized my arthritis had become a problem when I wasn't able to keep up with my husband and friends. I went to many doctors and either got prescriptions for pills or told I need to have a knee replacement. I started doing my research and came across the American Arthritis Foundation and spoke with a volunteer. I learned more in my 10 minute conversation with an American Arthritis Foundation Volunteer than I did going to 2 doctors and nurse practitioner. I know have hope and was able to find a doctor who does the AAF solutions! Great group of people!"

"Working with the American Arthritis Foundation has renewed my belief in non profit organizations. They are a totally volunteer driven organization that cares and is making a difference in the war on Arthritis today, I couldn't be more proud to donate to a worthy cause."

Regina Davis

@ Copyright 2025 American Arthritis Foundation, Inc.

American Arthritis Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) EIN 87-4004425